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Table 1 Laboratory investigation summary of a 14-year-old patient with diagnosis of Prader–Willi syndrome

From: A 14-year-old male patient with diagnosis of Prader–Willi syndrome in Ethiopia: a case report



Reference range

Fasting blood sugar

116 mg/dl

 < 100 mg/dl

Luteinizing hormone

 < 1 miu/ml

1.1–7 miu/ml

Follicle-stimulating hormone

 < 1 miu/ml

1.7–2 miu/ml

Total testosterone

0.75 ng/ml

2.27–10.3 ng/ml

Serum prolactin

10.9 ng/ml

3–25 ng/ml

Thyroid stimulating hormone

3.21 micIU/ml

0.3–5 micIU/ml

Total T3

3.01 nmol/l

1.23–3.07 nmol/l

Total T4

110.7 nmol/l

66–181 nmol/l

Serum 25 (OH) vitamin D

9.7 ng/ml

20–100 ng/ml

Serum cortisol

7.2 µg/dl

3.7–19.4 µg/dl

Adrenocorticotropic hormone

26 pg/ml

10 and 60 pg/ml

24-h urine cortisol

90.23 µg/24 h

28.50–213.70 µg/24 h

High density lipoprotein

32 mg/dl

 > 40 mg/dl

Total cholesterol

189 mg/dl

 < 200 mg/dl

Low density lipoprotein

137 mg/dl

 < 130 mg/dl

Serum triglyceride

98 mg/dl

 < 150 mg/dl